fix style for order create and update, fix order create error
Signed-off-by: Puqns67 <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
package team8.fruitable.controller.action
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.CookieValue
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*
import team8.fruitable.controller.util.error
import team8.fruitable.datebase.entity.Item
@ -25,37 +22,6 @@ class OrderAction(
return token?.let(accountRepository::findByToken)
fun create(
attributes: RedirectAttributes,
@CookieValue("TOKEN", required = false) token: String?,
@PathVariable("item_id") itemId: Long,
@PathVariable("item_number") itemNumber: Int,
@RequestParam("name") name: String,
@RequestParam("phone") phone: String,
@RequestParam("address") address: String,
@RequestParam("pay_type") payTypeId: Long,
@RequestParam("redirect", required = false) redirect: String?
): String {
val user = this.getCurrentUser(token) ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "账户未登录", "/login")
val item = itemRepository.findById(itemId).orElse(null) ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "商品不存在")
val payType =
payTypeRepository.findById(payTypeId).orElse(null) ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "未知的支付类型")
val itemPrice = item.price?.times(itemNumber) ?: return error(
attributes, "创建订单", "错误的商品价格(可能是商品未添加对应的价格)"
var order = Order(user, name, phone, address, payType, itemPrice, mutableListOf(item))
order =
// 更新 orders_to_items 表中的个数信息
val orderedItem = orderedItemRepository.findByOrder(order)[0]
orderedItem.number = itemNumber
redirect?.let { return "redirect:/${it}" }
return "redirect:/order/${}"
fun createForCart(
attributes: RedirectAttributes,
@ -70,27 +36,34 @@ class OrderAction(
): String {
val user = this.getCurrentUser(token) ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "账户未登录", "/login")
val itemPairs = itemIds zip itemNumbers
val items: MutableList<Item> = mutableListOf()
val items: MutableList<Pair<Item, Int>> = mutableListOf()
var priceSum = .0
itemPairs.forEach {
val item =
itemRepository.findById(it.first).orElse(null) ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "商品不存在")
items.add(item to it.second)
items.forEach { item ->
item.price?.let {
priceSum += it
} ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "错误的商品价格(可能是商品未添加对应的价格)")
item.first.price?.let {
priceSum += it * item.second
} ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "[内部错误] 错误的商品价格(可能是商品未添加对应的价格)")
val payType =
payTypeRepository.findById(payTypeId).orElse(null) ?: return error(attributes, "创建订单", "未知的支付类型")
val order = Order(user, name, phone, address, payType, priceSum, items)
var order = Order(user, name, phone, address, payType, priceSum, { it.first } as MutableList<Item>)
order =
val orderedItems = orderedItemRepository.findByOrder(order)
(orderedItems zip items).forEach {
it.first.number = it.second.second
redirect?.let { return "redirect:/${it}" }
return "redirect:/order/${}"
fun update(
attributes: RedirectAttributes,
@CookieValue("TOKEN", required = false) token: String?,
@ -9,16 +9,17 @@ import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam
import team8.fruitable.controller.util.error
import team8.fruitable.datebase.entity.Item
import team8.fruitable.datebase.entity.User
import team8.fruitable.datebase.repository.AccountRepository
import team8.fruitable.datebase.repository.ItemRepository
import team8.fruitable.datebase.repository.OrderRepository
import team8.fruitable.datebase.repository.*
class OrderPage(
private val orderRepository: OrderRepository,
private val orderedItemRepository: OrderedItemRepository,
private val accountRepository: AccountRepository,
private val itemRepository: ItemRepository
private val itemRepository: ItemRepository,
private val payTypeRepository: PayTypeRepository
) {
private fun getCurrentUser(token: String?): User? {
return token?.let(accountRepository::findByToken)
@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ class OrderPage(
fun orders(
model: Model, attributes: RedirectAttributes, @CookieValue("TOKEN", required = false) token: String?
model: Model, attributes: RedirectAttributes,
@CookieValue("TOKEN", required = false) token: String?
): String {
model["isOrder"] = true
val user = this.getCurrentUser(token) ?: return error(attributes, "查看订单列表", "账户未登录", "/login")
@ -39,7 +41,8 @@ class OrderPage(
model: Model,
attributes: RedirectAttributes,
@CookieValue("TOKEN", required = false) token: String?,
@RequestParam("id") id: Array<Long>
@RequestParam("items") itemIds: Array<Long>,
@RequestParam("numbers") itemNumbers: Array<Long>
): String {
val user = this.getCurrentUser(token) ?: return error(attributes, "更新", "账户未登录", "/login")
model["user"] = user
@ -56,8 +59,29 @@ class OrderPage(
): String {
val user = this.getCurrentUser(token) ?: return error(attributes, "查看订单", "账户未登录", "/login")
val item = itemRepository.findById(id).orElse(null) ?: return error(attributes, "查看订单", "商品不存在")
model["payTypes"] = payTypeRepository.findAll()
model["items"] = arrayOf(Triple(item, number ?: 1, item.price!! * (number ?: 1)))
model["user"] = user
return "order/create"
fun order(
model: Model,
attributes: RedirectAttributes,
@CookieValue("TOKEN", required = false) token: String?,
@PathVariable("id") id: Long
): String {
val user = this.getCurrentUser(token) ?: return error(attributes, "查看订单", "账户未登录", "/login")
val order = orderRepository.findById(id).orElse(null) ?: return error(attributes, "查看订单", "订单不存在")
val orderedItems = orderedItemRepository.findByOrder(order)
val items: MutableList<Triple<Item, Int, Double>> = mutableListOf()
orderedItems.forEach {
items.add(Triple(it.item!!, it.number, it.item!!.price!! * it.number))
model["order"] = order
model["items"] = items
model["user"] = user
return "order/update"
@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ class OrderedItem(
@JoinColumn(name = "item_id", nullable = false)
var item: Item? = null,
@Column(name = "number")
var number: Int? = 0
@Column(name = "number", nullable = false)
var number: Int = 0
@ -7,9 +7,19 @@ import jakarta.persistence.*
class PayType(
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "ID", nullable = false)
@Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
var id: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "NAME", length = 16, nullable = false)
@Column(name = "name", length = 16, nullable = false)
var name: String? = null,
@Column(name = "picture", length = 16, nullable = false)
var picture: String? = null,
@Column(name = "is_default", nullable = false)
var isDefault: Boolean = false,
) {
fun getPictureLink(): String {
return "/images/pay_type/${picture ?: "Card"}.svg"
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class User(
if (!email.isNullOrBlank()) = email
if (!address.isNullOrBlank()) this.address = address
isAdmin?.let { this.isAdmin = it }
private final fun genPassword(password: String): String {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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@ -22,6 +22,28 @@
> .ItemName {
flex: 1 0 0;
&[radioed] {
display: flex;
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justify-content: center;
> .ItemInput {
display: none;
> .ItemPicture {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
padding: 10px 5px;
border-radius: 15px;
background: white;
> .ItemInput:checked + .ItemPicture {
background: wheat;
> .ItemInput {
@ -30,6 +52,12 @@
border-radius: 10px;
border: 3px solid skyblue;
> .ItemInput[disabled] {
background: unset;
border: unset;
color: black;
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
.Item {
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
border-radius: 15px;
background-color: teal;
> .Picture {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
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border-radius: 15px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
> .Infos {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: wheat;
> .Info {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
> .Title {
@ -49,40 +49,32 @@
{{#user.address}}value="{{user.address}}"{{/user.address}} required/>
<div class="TabFormItem">
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_card" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="1" checked/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_card">银行卡</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_wechat_pay" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="2"/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_wechat_pay">微信支付</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_alipay" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="3"/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_alipay">支付宝</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_union_pay" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="4"/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_union_pay">云闪付</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_paypal" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="5"/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_paypal">PayPal</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_google_pay" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="6"/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_google_pay">Google Pay</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type_apple_pay" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="7"/>
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type_apple_pay">Apple Pay</label>
<div class="TabFormItem PayType">
<label class="ItemName" radioed>
<input class="ItemInput" type="radio" name="pay_type" value="{{id}}" {{#isDefault}}checked{{/isDefault}}/>
<img class="ItemPicture" alt="{{name}}" src="{{pictureLink}}"/>
<div class="TabFormItems Items">
<div class="TabFormItem Item" id="0">
<div class="TabFormItem Item" itemid="{{}}">
<input type="hidden" name="items" value="{{}}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="numbers" value="{{second}}"/>
<div class="Picture">
<img alt="商品图片" src="{{first.pictureLink}}">
<div class="infos">
<div class="Infos">
<div class="Info">
<span class="Title">{{}}</span>
<span class="Prices">
<span class="Price">¥${{first.price}}</span>
<div class="Title">{{}}</div>
<div class="Prices">
<span class="Price">{{first.price}}¥</span>
<span class="Number">x{{second}}</span>
<span class="PriceSum">¥${{third}}</span>
<span class="PriceSum">= {{third}}¥</span>
<span class="Description">{{first.description}}</span>
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/clock.css">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/top.css">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet/less" href="/styles/form.less">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet/less" href="/styles/base.less">
<!-- 页面特定的样式表 -->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet/less" href="/styles/order.less">
<!-- 外部小组件 -->
@ -29,47 +30,76 @@
<form class="TabForm" action="/action/order/update/{{}}" method="post">
<div class="TabTitle">订单</div>
<div class="TabFormItems Status">
<div class="TabFormItem PriceSum">
<label class="ItemName" for="price_sum">订单金额</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="price_sum" type="text" name="price_sum" disabled
<div class="TabFormItem PayType">
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_type">支付类型</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_type" type="text" name="pay_type" disabled
<div class="TabFormItem Paid">
<label class="ItemName" for="pay_status">支付状态</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="pay_status" type="text" name="pay_status" disabled
<div class="TabFormItems Infos">
<div class="TabFormItem">
<label class="ItemName" for="name">姓名</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="name" type="text" name="name" placeholder="请输入收货人姓名"
{{}}value="{{}}"{{/}} required/>
value="{{}}" required/>
<div class="TabFormItem">
<label class="ItemName" for="phone">手机号码</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="phone" type="tel" name="phone" placeholder="请输入收货人手机号码"
value="{{}}" required/>
<div class="TabFormItem">
<label class="ItemName" for="address">地址</label>
<input class="ItemInput" id="address" type="text" name="address" placeholder="请输入收货人地址"
{{#order.address}}value="{{order.address}}"{{/order.address}} required/>
value="{{order.address}}" required/>
<div class="TabButtons">
<button class="TabButton" type="button"
<button class="TabButton" type="button"
<button class="TabButton" type="submit">更新订单信息</button>
<div class="TabButtons">
<button class="TabButton" type="button"
<button class="TabButton" type="button"
<button class="TabButton" type="submit">更新订单信息</button>
<div class="TabFormItems Items">
<div class="Item" id="0">
<div class="TabFormItem Item" itemid="{{}}">
<div class="Picture">
<img alt="商品图片" src="{{a.pictureLink}}">
<img alt="商品图片" src="{{first.pictureLink}}">
<div class="infos">
<div class="Infos">
<div class="Info">
<span class="Title">{{}}</span>
<span class="Prices">
<span class="Price">¥${{a.price}}</span>
<span class="Number">x{{b}}</span>
<span class="PriceSum">¥${{c}}</span>
<div class="Title">{{}}</div>
<div class="Prices">
<span class="Price">{{first.price}}¥</span>
<span class="Number">x{{second}}</span>
<span class="PriceSum">= {{third}}¥</span>
<span class="Description">{{a.description}}</span>
<span class="Description">{{first.description}}</span>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user